About NWMC Transportation Services

The Northwest Municipal Conference is proactive in our efforts to improve the lives of residents through transportation planning initiatives. Our members believe the most effective approach to address regional transportation issues is through cooperative planning.

NWMC works with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to house two sub-regional councils (Northwest Council of Mayors and North Shore Council of Mayors) that prioritize regionally significant projects and distribute federal funding.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee and Transportation Committee were formed by and for NWMC members and serve as forums to collaboratively work toward expanding non-motorized transportation options and improving the existing network. These goals are further outlined in the NWMC Multimodal Transportation Plan and the 2020 Legislative Program.

The transportation division employs two planners who staff the transportation councils and committees housed within NWMC. Their primary focus is to utilize a cooperative planning approach to turn conference priorities into projects that will improve the lives of our residents and help attract future economic development.

NWMC staff have created a Guidebook for Transportation Funding & Programs that can serve as a starting point in researching transportation issues. It will be continuously updated and serve as a living document, however hard copies are available upon request. Please contact staff if you wish to receive a copy.

 NWMC Guide to Transportation Programs and Funding

To stay up to date with NWMC transportation initiatives, follow us on social media: Twitter

Upcoming Transportation Meetings & Deadlines

Below is a list of upcoming meetings and relevant deadlines.  You can also visit the pages of the Northwest Council of Mayors, North Shore Council of Mayors, Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee, and Transportation Committee for their full calendars.

  • NWMC Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee: Tuesday, November 12, 10:30 a.m. — NWMC offices and virtually.
  • NWMC Transportation Committee: Thursday, November 21, 8:30 a.m. — NWMC offices and virtually.