About NWMC

Printer Friendly FY 2023-2024 Annual Report

Over the past 65 years, the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) has been working to strengthen communities and enhance intergovernmental relationships in the north and northwest suburbs of Chicago. As one of the premier regional councils of government, the Northwest Municipal Conference represents over 1.3 million citizens residing in our 42 municipalities and 1 township. Our membership area covers over 300 square miles in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry counties. 

The Northwest Municipal Conference serves the needs of local governments through a variety of policy initiatives and programs and services that combine the resources of individual members to address regional issues. Our members are leaders in advocating on behalf of local government self-sufficiency, regional planning, local control over local issues, and utilizing a cooperative approach to address regional issues. The Northwest Municipal Conference is driven by the following principles:

  • Furthering intergovernmental cooperation,
  • Fostering the exchange of information vital to the operation of local government, and
  • Serving as a cooperative medium for addressing regional problems.

Since our founding in 1958, the Northwest Municipal Conference has evolved from a small local forum to address specific issues such as securing parking at commuter rail stations. Today, the Northwest Municipal Conference is a multi-faceted organization that provides our members not only a platform to address issues of regional concern but also a variety of programs and services designed to strengthen their individual communities.  By coordinating the talents of our members, we advocate on behalf of local issues in Springfield and Washington, provide specifically designed training for elected officials and produce significant cost savings through joint purchasing programs. The cooperative planning approach we developed allows our members to combine local expertise to solve regional transportation, stormwater and environmental issues.

The elected officials and professional managers of our member communities provide the leadership for our organization. The NWMC Board consists of our member mayors and township supervisor who convene on a regular basis as a whole to address regional issues and concerns and work together though our various committees to focus on specific topics and interests. Our standing committees focus on a variety of topics ranging from transportation and program services to legislative priorities and issues faced by townships and non-home rule municipalities. Our Executive Board consists of Conference officers and committee chairs that meet monthly to coordinate the work of the committees and prepare the NWMC Board agendas. Directly appointed by the Board, the NWMC Executive Director is responsible for implementing the vision of the Northwest Municipal Conference membership. The Executive Director represents the Conference on regional topics, works closely with the NWMC Board on priority issues, and directs a staff of nine towards their mission of advancing the directives of the membership. The Northwest Municipal Conference is a not-for-profit organization that is self-supported by our membership and supplemented through entrepreneurial activities.

The Northwest Municipal Conference has long served as a forum for elected officials and professional staff to discuss topics and exchange ideas for the betterment of their communities. The Conference also provides social opportunities for members to enjoy each others company and friendship at events such as our annual gala, legislative brunch and legislative days in Springfield.  As members of the Northwest Municipal Conference, we believe we are a model for bringing together diverse local government interests to plan for our future and provide strong, innovative, well-run communities for our citizens and businesses.